Sunday, August 28, 2011

prompt exercise

Prompt - blinking light on phone.

The drawer slid open revealing the bottle of Jameson and the glass sitting beside it.
I poured a glass, triple shot probably. Did it really matter? I just needed to wash the taste of disgust from my mouth and soul.

The bitch screwed me and I couldn't shake the taste. It remained; seeping, eroding and spreading through my veins like rust. I threw shot after shot down my throat, but couldn't halter the effects of the poison she stuck me with grabbing hold of every vein and cell within.

Line two on my phone was throbbing with a glow of red. My assistant Ruby had been incessantly attempting to interrupt me all morning with feigned messages or tasks which according to her required immediate attention. Ruby held some false belief that distratction would be an effective remedy to my ailments. I had brushed them all off. My not so noble responses to each Ruby request probably scathed that gentle veil of feelings she wears.She has a nobility of hope which I hold no relationship to.

Although somewhere within I might have felt some guilt for my attitude of disregard, today it didn't come to surface. Ruby knew what she signed on for, her bubbly optimistic, glass full world was not welcome to me at this time.

Today I didn't care if I hurt her imaginary or true ego. I embraced my world of self pity with no desire to leave.I knew Ruby would forgive me in a future day which she probably already marked on her calendar.That is how it is with women such as Ruby, you can be an asshole, but forgiveness is already granted before asked. It is held quietly on the side Only assholes like me truly recognize this. Only assholes like me abuse this.

I pushed the button under the blinking light then lifted and slammed down the handset before even inquiring who the call was from. For all I knew it was the bitch. For all I knew it was some orphan with a heartwarming story. I didn't care.

I am an asshole. That is how it is.

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