Thursday, September 28, 2006

Single in a Check Out Lane

This is an old post of mine but a favorite so I thought I would add it here

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Recently I saw a really cute movie called "Must Love Dogs." It was a movie about a divorced woman who's family decided to get involved in her newly single life and get her into the dating scene. Being divorced I found myself cracking up numerous times throughout. The poor woman ends up answering a dating ad only to find she was answering her father's ad.

However one of the funniest side scenes was when she was in the grocery store picking up her few items. She goes to the deli and asks the man behind the counter for a chicken breast. He then tries to tell her about all of the specials, recepies, and keeps pushing when she insists on just one chicken breast. Finally frustrated, she snaps at him that she is divorced... lives alone...eats at the counter standing up... and doesn't want a bunch of extra chicken hanging around....and just would like to have her ONE chicken breast.

I had to laugh, because ....that is indeed how a person living alone again feels. They don't want tons of extra food around. When you buy a pack of chicken breasts, unless you freeze it, you know what your dinner will be for the next several evenings. No, I don't eat at the counter standing up.... but rarely do I sit at the table for my meal. My table seats 8 so I would feel rather silly and pitiful doing that every night. Eating while watching the evening news is a little more my style.

Tonight I had to drop by the grocery store after work to pick up a few things. I of course grabbed one of those new mini carts I think they designed just for the divorced and single. The little carts you can push around but you can feel like a "big" person because you are pushing a cart and its size creates the illusion that you are "filling" it like a regular cart although it truthfully holds littlle more than a hand basket. So I quickly ran down the few aisles I needed to in order to pick up my items, then got in the express lane.

Of course I took a quick peek at the headlines on the gossip magazines. I admit I am a headline gossip reader. I would never buy the Star or Enquirer, but I sure can read through the headlines fast, and if no one is looking or the line is exceptionally slow...I will do the quick speed gossip scan by a fast page flip technique.

Next I did what I often do. I can't help it, I often look at what the people in front of me are purchasing. It is almost like sometimes what people are purchasing is a little peek into who they are. (don't tell me you don't do the same). Sometimes I try to figure out what they are having for dinner, sometimes I look at what they are buying and try to figure out if it is for a cookout or do they have a big family that truly drinks all that soda. Just simple thoughts.

I then looked at my groceries as they sat on the conveyor belt behind the bar separator. I about choked when I realized what my groceries yelled out. I will let you figure it out by listing my groceries.

  • 9 cans of Friskies cat food
  • 2 lean cuisines
  • 1/2 gallon of half & half (yes I am a coffee fanatic)
  • lightbulbs
  • cheap bubblebath

Yup my groceries yelled loudly that I am single and probably divorced. That I have evolved to that just me and the cat thing, with the most exciting part of my evenings being a bubble bath. All I needed to go along with it was a pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream!

But I suppose it does prove my grocery reading as insight to be pretty true. For tonight... I came home,fed the cat, fixed a lean cuisine, changed a lightbulb that blew, and I plan on having a wild evening of a bubble bath!

So yes it was scary seeing what my groceries spoke about me.... but even scarier to see that .... it fit!

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